ترانزیستور روسی П214A


current through the collector, which П214A is able to withstand for a long time……  5 A;
current through the base, which can flow constantly …… 0.5 A;
potential difference K-E (measured at R b < 50 Ohm) ……… 55 V;
potential difference K-E (testing was carried out with an open base) ……. 45 V;
potential difference K – B ………. 60 V;
potential difference B – E ……….15 V;
power dissipated by П214A, if there is no heat sink ……… 1.7 W;
power dissipation at temperature not more than +45 ° C , with a heat sink …….. 11.5 W;
crystal temperature ……….. from -60 to +85 ° C ;
working temperature ……….. from -60 to +70 ° C.
As with most electronic devices, testing was carried out at a standard temperature of +25°C.

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