РС4А-Э male threaded joint device plug with current-carrying body parts with gold-plated contacts without casing
РС4А-Э plug connectors – low-frequency low-voltage cylindrical subminiature for indoor mounting with threaded fixation of the articulating position.
Designed to operate in electrical circuits of direct, alternating (frequency up to 3 MHz) and pulsed currents with a maximum operating voltage of 200 V.
They are used to connect and disconnect electrical circuits in electronic equipment for special and general purposes.
РС-Э connectors (plugs, sockets) are manufactured in 4 types, 6 standard ratings, 72 standard designs.
Connectors consist of two parts: a sealed or non-hermetic appliance plug and a non-hermetic appliance or cable socket.
Articulation of plugs РС-Э, РСА-Э, РСГ-Э, РСГА-Э with sockets РС-Э, РСА-Э is threaded.
The polarization of the connector housings is single-key.
РС-Э connectors are made without a casing or with a casing (metal).
Contact plating in connectors: РСА-Э, РСГА-Э – gold, РС-Э, РСГ-Э – silver.
Connection of wires to contact shanks – by soldering.
The number of resoldering – no more than three, resoldering is not allowed for sealed plugs.
РС-Э connectors are manufactured in UHL climatic design with conductive body parts.
Quality category: “OTK”, “VP”, “OSM”.
– acceptance “1” ASHDK.434410.059TU;
– acceptance “5” АВ0.364.047ТУ1;
– acceptance “7” AB0.364.047TU1, P0.070.052.
Symbol interpretation:
РС4А-Э plug
РС – connector type;
4 – number of contacts;
A – contact plating: A – gold, without a letter – silver;
Э – Conventional designation of current conductivity at the joints of the mating parts of the connector.

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